Water Water everywhere
“What! Is it time to drink water again? Why should I drink so much water?”
Does this question sound like one your child would ask? It surely does to me. I know of many parents who need to constantly remind children to drink water throughout the day. Why only children, many times I must remind myself and other adults around me too. When I feel dizzy and disoriented, drinking water drives away that feeling remarkably quickly.
We learn in school that one of the major components of the human body is water. If that is true, why do we still need to drink water every day? Is drinking too much or too little water dangerous? Can we count other drinks – coffee, tea, juice – as part of water intake?
The biochemistry of the human body is complex. It is not always easy to explain to children. Watch this video for a simple and easy explanation.
Finding reliable content
As an educator, I am constantly looking for authentic content. I have found the TED Ed channel a useful tool for well-presented educational content. The content is presented with the help of animations and interactive media – attractive to children. Also, because of the review process involved, the content – both conceptual and media – is authentic and validated.
In the age of information overload on the internet, it is a huge challenge to find reliable and validated content. TED Ed is one source that I have found useful. Do other educators and parents face this challenge too? I am curious to find out.
What other reliable educational content sources have you found useful? Share with us in the comments section.
You can find more articles related to Science and Education on our blog, for your reading pleasure.
Until next time, continue to stay curious.
Featured image credits: Colin Behrens from Pixabay
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Dr. Soumya Sreehari

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